You have been reading posts on the Facebook pages from Robert Boone for about 2 years now. Would you like to know who he is?
The information below represents excerpts from a public governmental record. It’s from a FMCS (Federal Mediation and Conciliatory Service) Arbitration panel. The panel is issued to Unions and Managements when they select Arbitrators to decide worker’s grievances in the final and binding step of the procedure.
This post only contains the resume of the panel, not the other required information such as the types of cases I am qualified to hear, industries in which I have arbitrated cases, or the compensation for the work I receive. My resume is a complete cut and paste from the panel.
ROBERT A. BOONE Present Occupation: Arbitrator First Business Address, Primary 10504 N Gasburg Rd. Mooresville, Indiana 46158-6762
EDUCATION: PhD B. Mgt., Emphasis on Human Resources, Haywood University 2004 PhD Psychology, Emphasis on Human Behavior, Haywood University 2002 M.S. Labor Studies, University Mass. 2000 B.S. Labor Studies, Indiana University 1997
GM UAW PEL Management/Labor Cooperative Programs 2000
Heating and Air Journeyman 2000
Dr. Deming Management Methods 1988
Journeyman Automotive and Diesel Repair 1978
2004 – Present: Arbitrator.
From 1989 to 2004 I served as an International Union Representative for the United Autoworkers in Detroit, Michigan. Serviced assigned United Autoworkers local unions located in Indiana and Kentucky. Negotiated all of their contracts, including first agreements and close outs, handled all grievances appealed to the third and/or fourth step and at arbitration including filing any required briefs. Filed any and all agency charges for the locals. Wrote the Local by-laws, handled legal matters that did not require court appearances.
From 1965 to 2004 I have been classified as an hourly worker for the General Motors Corporation. From 1974 to 1978 and again from 1983 to 1989 I served as Chairman of the Shop Committee for the Allison Division of General Motors, the UAW and 9,500 members in Indianapolis, Indiana.
I represented the hourly work force on all types of grievance problems and negotiated the contracts of labor, from both an hourly and salary membership. Assumed the management side of the bargaining process for the unit workers at the local union hall. Managed all the joint programs for Local 933 UAW and G.M. during this period.
From 1979 to 1982 I served as a Benefit Representative for the Allison Division of General Motors, and the UAW. Represented all of the afternoon shift employees on all types of benefit problems such as Pension, Insurance, both Health and Life, S.U.B, Training New Car purchases. Part of my duties was also to represent all employees that were denied state unemployment by the state of Indiana.
From 1970 to 1974 I served as Shop Committeeperson for Allison Division of General Motors and the UAW. Represented all of approximate 2000 members on the night shifts on all grievance problems. I was also a member of the bargaining committee.
From 1967 to 1970 I served as a District Committeeperson for the Allison Division of General Motors and the UAW. I represented approximately 300 employees of the hourly workforce on all types of grievance problems.
From 1966 to 1967 I served as an Alternate Committeeperson for Allison Division of General Motors and the UAW. It was a floor level position; I represented the hourly work force on all grievance problems in plant # 11 when the committeeperson was absent.
If found to be eligible to be elected President of UAW Local 933 and elected President of UAW Local 933, I pledge to make every effort to achieve the following:
A) Educate the union leadership, such as the Executive Board, along with in plant floor reps. I will appoint myself as the educational committee chairman for the first 1.5 years of the administration to insure this responsibility remains squarely on my shoulders.
B) Add to the committeeperson ranks in areas where they are needed so SERVICE calls are not only possible to be covered within 8 hours, but required!!! Put the floor reps back on “the floor” with the folks they represent. Require the committeeperson follow the contract AND discuss the call with the member FIRST, not management.
Interview (by letter) the current appointees. WHAT HAVE YOU DONE FOR THE MEMBERS IN THE PAST 6 MONTHS? WHAT DO YOU PLAN TO DO FOR THEM IN THE NEXT 6 MONTHS? Last but by far not least, tell me and the Chairman; What makes you think you can accomplish your agenda? Sorry to say, some won’t get a letter IF both myself and the chairman candidate I support are privileged to be elected. Their history and involvement in the “politics of the past” will necessitate a ‘different kind of letter’ being sent to Detroit.
C) Start the RECOVERY of information relating to our UAW history (our Local history) and return it to YOUR Union Hall.
D) Stop the give-away of funds and lost time. Treat the hall workers as we ourselves want to be treated.
E) Pull the members of our units back together. Require meetings between the two larger units, even to the point of intermingling the membership meeting seating arrangement.
F) By far the most important pledge: Start, from day one (1), preparing for contract negotiations. Providing you choose a Shop Committee and President that are compatible, I will be an absolute part of the negotiations and help the Chairmen push to accomplish such things as:
1. The return of RESPECT, PRIDE, and DIGNITY we once enjoyed…like the return of our UAW logo on the buildings, and products we make.
2. Clear up the issue of the famous ‘temps turned permanent’.
3. No more TIERS and eliminate the trailing effects they have caused.
4. Job security based on NO REDUCTIONS or layoffs so long as ANY work is contracted or sourced.
5. 3% improvement factor yearly and COLA must come back for workers to keep ahead of inflation.
6. Fight to return of our contracts to their previous status such as… time off with pay issues, reinstate all past demands that have been allowed to fall off the table, return the principles of a fair day’s work, follow the principles of paragraph 78 (speed-up’s) — not management “determined” walk paths, etc, etc.